firkantede chemex kaffefiltre 5-13 kops


Chemex Filters Square 5-13 cups (100 pcs.)

Sale price85 DKK

Special filters are used for the Chemex coffee maker. These filters differ by being somewhat thicker than others on the market, thereby filtering out more of the oils. These square pieces of paper come pre-folded, so you just have to follow this.

To make the paper fit, and at the same time have room to brew the coffee in, the side with 3 folds must face the spout of the Chemex brewer.

  • Fits all sizes of Chemex from 5 to 13 cups
  • Filters out all particles and many of the oils
  • Clearer taste in the coffee
Pickup available at CleverCoffee - kafferisteriet Usually ready in 24 hours

Chemex Filters Square 5-13 cups (100 pcs.)

CleverCoffee - kafferisteriet

Pickup available, usually ready in 24 hours

Fillerupvej 27
8300 Odder

Only 3 units left

Typical delivery: 1-2 business days

Typical delivery: 1-2 business days

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9 forskellige kaffeposer, clevercoffee kaffesortiment 9 forskellige kaffeposer, clevercoffee kaffesortiment

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